In A Cat for Santa, a mischievous tale unfolds in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where the Dark Fairy plays a cruel trick that leaves a little white kitten lost and alone. After chasing a blue butterfly—who turns out to be the Dark Fairy in disguise—the kitten falls into a deep, cold well. Wet, scared, and unable to remember where she lives, the kitten cries for help. Luckily, the Sugar Plum Fairies hear her distress and come to her rescue! With a wave of the Pink Fairy's wand, the kitten is safely lifted out of the well. When asked where she lives, the kitten can't recall, but the kind-hearted fairies have a solution—they invite her to live with them at the North Pole...
This heartwarming Christmas tale is filled with magic, kindness, and new friendships. Filled with adventure, magical fairies, and the warm spirit of Christmas, A Cat for Santa is a perfect holiday read for young readers and cat lovers alike!